My First Mac back in 1989 – $7,070.!!


I recently ran across a receipt for the Mac I purchased back in 1989
when I headed up a programming department for a Connecticut
manufacturer. We managed to scrape together $7,070 to purchase the Mac, monitor and keyboard. The “bad boy” in question was an Apple Mac IIx which boasted the following specs:

  • CPU: Motorola MC68030
  • CPU Speed: 16 MHz
  • FPU: 68882
  • Bus Speed: 16 MHz
  • RAM 4MB
  • Maximum RAM: 128 MB
  • Level 1 Cache: 0.5 kB
  • Expansion Slots: 6 NuBus
  • Hard Drive: 80 MB
  • Floppy Drive: 1.4 MB SuperDrive


Some serious dough for 1989. I am not sure how many people were
spending that kind of money at The Computer Factory, but I was sure
happy that day. You can see the actual receipt by clicking on the
receipt image or by simply clicking here.